the day our warrick was born

2010 September 04

Created by carolyn 13 years ago
I started to build my Tribute to warrick bayford today.the day our warrick was born i was so happy and was so emotional andy was there all the way through he even got to cut the cord which not many men like to do and then he got to skin to skin with our warrick just like i did and you creat a special bond.Our warrick didnt have much hair but i can remember them big blue eyes looking at me like it was yesterday.He was perfect in every way we were so happy because i had been offered the down syndrome test because of my age and the risks but decided not to take it so we were just pleased everything was ok.When i first held him i cant describe how i felt i just knew i never wanted to let him go he was so beautiful and couldnt believe he was 8lb in weight he looked so small,then came the bottle feeding it was a struggle at first getting him to drink the milk but eventually he did everything was just great.
